File Format

Table of Contents


Metadata is the information about the beatmap.

    Title: Name
    DifficultyName: Name
    Description: Name
    Artist: Name
    Creator: Name
    Source: Name
    Tags: Name
    AudioFile: Name
    BackgroundFile: Name
    Keys: Number
    MapSetID: Number
    MapID: Number
    InitialSV: Number

    The metadata section is required for the beatmap to be valid. The values are as follows:

    • Title: The title of the beatmap.
    • DifficultyName: The name of the difficulty.
    • Description: The description of the beatmap.
    • Artist: The artist of the song.
    • Creator: The creator of the beatmap.
    • Source: The source of the song.
    • Tags: The tags of the beatmap.
    • AudioFile: The name of the audio file.
    • BackgroundFile: The name of the background file.
    • Keys: The number of keys in the beatmap. (1K-10K)
    • MapSetID: The map set ID of the beatmap.
    • MapID: The map ID of the beatmap.
    • InitialSV: The initial scroll velocity of the beatmap.


TimingPoints are the points in the beatmap where the scroll velocity or BPM changes. It holds the following values with the following defaults:


    The timing points section is required for the beatmap to be valid. The values are as follows:

    • SV: The scroll velocity of the beatmap at a certain time.
    • BPM: The BPM of the beatmap at a certain time.

    There has to be at least one BPM timing point for the beatmap to be valid.


HitObjects are the objects in the beatmap that the player has to hit. It holds the following values with the following defaults:


    The hit objects section is required for the beatmap to be valid. The values are as follows:

    • type: The type of the hit object. (Currently, the only supported type is HIT)
    • lane: The lane of the hit object. (1-KeyCount)
    • start_time: The start time of the hit object.
    • end_time: The end time of the hit object.
    • hitsounds: The hitsounds of the hit object. Defaults to no string.